Credit & Surety

An Integrated Approach to Financial Risk Management

bonding and sureties issued for customers

As a market leader in Italy, we are dedicated to serving businesses in credit risk management.

Acting as a strategic partner, we aim to foster the steady growth of businesses by offering an integrated approach to Financial Risk Management.

This approach focuses on how and to what extent banking and financial products can be integrated or replaced with insurance products to improve working capital while containing operational costs.


Credit insurance is a financial tool that allows companies to transfer credit risk to specialized insurers.

This helps improve a company's credit rating and access to cheaper financial products.

We offer tailored products and services for businesses in this regard:

  • of credit risk transfer models

  • Analysis of current coverage and proposals for improving economic and regulatory conditions

  • Benchmarking activities to define optimal coverage

  • Local support for foreign branches

  • Development of customized insurance projects, structured with multiple credit coverages from different companies for various industries or markets to optimize coverage levels.

Trade Credit Services.

Trade Credit Products.

· Level I credit policy

· Level II Top-Up policy

· Excess of Loss policy

· Single Risk policy

· Political Risk policy

· International Program

Insurance Bonds

Surety insurance is preferred over bank surety because it's widely accepted internationally, doesn't affect a company's credit lines or require extra financial commitments, avoids credit bureau reporting, and often doesn't have fees for unused credit lines.

Surety Services.

  • of existing signature credits in the banking and insurance market

  • of banking credits to the insurance market

  • and preparation of a dossier for presentation to the insurance market

  • with leading companies for the issuance of suitable credit lines

  • to make contract clauses suitable for insurance market risk assumption

  • of required guarantees at the best conditions

  • of existing policies (expiration notices, periodic reporting, etc.)

  • with leading companies for active guarantees required by suppliers or subcontractors (drafting text, issuance when requested, administrative management of guarantees received until their release, periodic reporting, etc.).

Surety Products.

· Public and private contracts

· Waste management

· Early refund of taxes

· Customs duties

· Contributions

· Legal obligations

· Guarantees

· Counter-guarantees